Filming request

This form should be used to submit a request to film with Police Scotland.

You should not use this form to report a crime, or for any other purpose.

All fields marked with (required) or (required field) are mandatory and must be filled in.

Section 1 - Your details

You have 200 characters for your address.

Section 2 - Insurance


Section 3 - Your request

You have 2000 characters for your outline.
You have 2000 characters for your outline.
You have 2000 characters for your outline.
You have 2000 characters for your outline.
You have 2000 characters for your outline.
You have 2000 characters for your outline.
You have 2000 characters for your outline.

Terms and Conditions

All production companies undertaking filming with Police Scotland must sign our non-negotiable legal agreement outlining term and conditions if the proposal is approved. (required)